Loefah Live at Bloc 2011
Never Sleep charity tape series keeps momentum with a live recordingfrom the infamousBloc Weekender in 2011.
South London sonic reconnoiter Loefah displays the finest in UK club futurismwith amass of hybridised transatlantic sounds.
A beautiful live recording featuring a vibrant MC SP with jet black motifs and a touch of the utmost saccharine.
Featuring an array of soon to be Swamp81 classics, a touch of bass, lightly brushed with hiphop and centred around the UK hardcore continuum.
Loefah manages to breach theaverage, reaches for the darker melody driven side of 2011 and pulls together a classic
ダークで特異なイベントとして名高いBloc Weekenderの2011年のライブ音源をその場の空気感の
*NEVERSLEEPの収益は全てLIVES NOT KNIVES(サウスロンドンのユースプロジェクトを支援する団体)